
Wandering Galaxy

Created by Plaid Hat Games

Missed the Wandering Galaxy crowdfunding campaign? Here are our late pledge options.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Designer Diary & AMA Reminder
2 months ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 09:10:17 AM

Hello, spacers! Designer Jerry Hawthorne is doing a Reddit AMA right now, from 12:00 - 2:00 EST! Click this link to ask Jerry your most burning questions. What’s his mother’s maiden name? What street did he grow up on? What high school did he attend? What’s the last four digits of his social security number? Only one way to find out!

The second entry in the Wandering Galaxy Designer Diary is now up. Read about the different species available to play, skills that each group are adept at, and how to prepare your character for the life of a spacer.



New Videos and an AMA
2 months ago – Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 10:15:47 AM

Our first week has almost come to a close, and things are rolling right along. We can’t believe we’re closing in on 100k with more than 1200 backers giving us their support! It means a lot to us, especially Dewey, our quality assurance guy who eats one entire copy of every game so we can study the horrible effects on his body. He appreciates knowing his efforts aren’t in vain!

Two New Videos Have Appeared!

The Previews section of our Kickstarter campaign just got company! We’ve got a fun new sneak peek from Kovray, and a brand new play through with Monique and Naveen from Before You Play. Come check out their videos to learn more about Wandering Galaxy.

AMA with Wandering Galaxy Designer, Jerry Hawthorne!

Want to pick the brain behind Wandering Galaxy and other hits like Mice & Mystics? Designer Jerry Hawthorne will be hosting a Reddit AMA tomorrow 7/16 from 12:00pm - 2:00pm, ET. Drop by and ask him about his creative process! Is he a man of the people, or does he fuel his cars with the premium stuff? The people must know! Drop by r/boardgames to chat with our guy!

Shipping Info and a Quick Chat!
2 months ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 02:05:09 PM

International Travel!

The second day of our campaign has once again blown us away by the love and support you all have shown us! We appreciate you very much, and to celebrate, our boss Colby Dauch performed an interpretive dance in his office that explored feelings of gratitude, finding contentment in simple joys, and a dedication to ongoing self-improvement. He did it behind closed doors, but we’re told it was deeply moving.

Speaking of our fearless CEO, we’ve had a few questions about International shipping fees, so Colby had a talk with our distributors and we are pleased to tell you we will be covering all import fees at no additional cost to our customers. Backers will only pay shipping and any applicable VAT (added on in the Pledge Manager), with the exception of Switzerland and Norway, who will not allow us to do so. They will charge those customers separately.

Please let us know if you have any questions about shipping to your region and we will do our best to clarify with our fulfillment agents.

Fireside Chat

Game designer Jerry Hawthorne, Audio Director Donald Shults, and Web-Developer Joe Ellis sat down this morning to talk about how the first days of our first Kickstarter are going so far. And Donald insisted we refer to it as a Fireside Chat, however there is no fire and they are not sitting beside it. So I don’t know what his deal is but let’s just go with it.

Check out the video here!

And if you prefer audio-only we’ve got the hookup with a podcast episode.


Sleeves, Sleeves, Sleeves!
2 months ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 07:58:35 AM

Hello, spacers, and welcome to the second day of the Wandering Galaxy campaign! Some of our lovely backers pointed out that while our sleeve pack add-on claims to only be available to US customers, international customers have been allowed to select sleeves as an add-on.

Er, whoops!

We forgot to set that option as US shipping-only and are now unable to edit the details to correct it. But that’s okay! We’re in talks with our distributors now to make sure we can get sleeves to customers who choose that add-on. There’s unlikely to be a problem getting sleeves to European and UK backers, but there may be regions where we don’t succeed. Should that happen, affected customers will be notified of any issues during fulfillment, and we will offer them a refund for those sleeve packs. 

Sorry for the confusion, but rest assured the person responsible for the mistake is being punished. It may seem harsh, but we believe that watching episode thirty-seven of Leave it to Beaver repeatedly for twelve hours is perfectly fair.

Also, for customers asking what size Wandering Galaxy cards are, all cards measure 2.5 x 3.5 inches.


2 months ago – Tue, Jul 09, 2024 at 02:21:19 PM

Hey, this is our first time running a Kickstarter campaign, so yeah, you know we went into this thing with jitters! How would our customers respond? Would new players jump on and join us? Well. You did just that. The project funded in just two minutes over an hour!

On behalf of everyone here at Plaid Hat Games, your support in helping us bring this game to life, means so much to us. We are grateful for your pledges, thankful for your encouragement, and deeply humbled by the trust you continue to place in us. We believe in the power of telling stories at the table with your friends, and we can see you do too!

New Add-Ons Scheduled for the Pledge Manager!

You asked for it, and we listened! You want the ability to buy more of those fancy, factory-printed sheets for Forgotten Waters and Freelancers. Well we don’t blame you! We’re arranging to have more printed out, and will be making them available as add-ons. You won’t see these options until the Pledge Manager goes live, but rest assured, we will add them.

Thank you, spacers! We look forward to seeing what happens next!